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Being - Well

Healthy body.

To Sustain the Body and Brain we need -

  • Sustenance – sunshine, clean air, water, and healthy food
  • Safety  and shelter
  • Step  and strengthen  - exercise
  • Sleep – relaxation and a good nights sleep




Sunshine is electromagnetic energy produced by the sun. There are three forms of solar radiation:

  • Visible light waves which regulate our body clock and sleep cycle.
  • Infra-red radiation warms the atmosphere, land, and ocean producing a planet where plants grow and we can live comfortably.
  • Ultraviolet (UV) light is higher energy radiation that can penetrate the surface layers of the skin. Most of the vitamin D in our body is produced in the skin using the energy from ultraviolet light.

Further Information

Clean Air and Water
Clean Air and Water

Air is a mixture of gases including:

  • Nitrogen (78%)
  • Oxygen (21%). In our cells oxygen combines with food, producing energy, carbon dioxide and water.
  • Water vapor

Water - Our body is 60% water by weight. The water in our body allows chemicals to move freely and react with other chemicals. We need at least 2L clean water daily from all sources - drinking, respiration and food. Air pollution from from burning fossil fuels for energy and transportation kills approximately 3000 people in Australia every year. Gas appliances for cooking and heating cause indoor air pollution which increases respiratory illnessess including childhood asthma. 

Further Infomation

Healthy Food
Healthy Food

A healthy diet is rich in whole plant food - vegetables, fruit, beans, whole grains, nuts & seeds, low in saturated fat and salt and contains little or no processed food and refined sugars.

Processed foods, sweets and most takeaway foods are very high in saturated fat, refined sugars and salt. When we eat these foods our brain produces dopamine which makes us feel good and leads to cravings for these foods. Poor diet and obesity are NOT caused by a lack of will power or failing by the individual, these problems are caused by unjust laws in our society that allow corporations to profit from these dangerous products. When working on improving your diet be patient and kind with yourself, make gradual changes and build on these. Talk with people who understand and are supportive. Try making a small change each week such as adding an extra serving of fruit or vegetables.

Further information

Safety and Shelter
Safety and Shelter

Our unconscious mind prepares the body to respond to danger or to rest via two interconnected systems of nerves and hormones co-ordinated in the hind (reptilian) brain and the mid (mamalian) brain

1. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS)

  • The sympathetic nervous system prepares us for fight, flight, freeze or fawn (submitt and compy) when we feel there is danger. When the SNS is activated the body tenses and the mind becomes alert and active. This is essential when there is danger.


2. The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) 

The parasympathetic nervous system is activated when we feel safe. When the parasympathetic nervous system is active we feel comfortable and relaxed.

The parasympathetic nervous system stimulates digestion, growth in children, healing and tissue repair, memory consolidation, complex planning and creativity.

When there is no immediate danger we function best when the nervous system is in a parasympathetic state.

To feel safe  and stimulate the PNS we need –

    • Physical safety – protection from the elements and dangers – a safe home. Homelessness, financial insecurity, family violence and abusive relationships activate the sympathetic nervous system. Prolonged SNS activation reduces healing and immune function, creativity and learning.
    • Acceptance by the group we belong to. Disrespect and discrimination activate the SNS.
    • A relaxed state of mind - if we are stressed and worried  – our SNS will remain active even if we are actually safe.  Mindfulness meditation helps our mind relax.                            

Activating the PNS

Chronic pain 

Step and strenghen - exercise
Step and strenghen - exercise

Exercise - moving more and using our muscles has many benefits:

  • Increases mood and well being
  • Improves immunity, memory, concentration
  • Improves and prevents arthritis
  • Improves balance and reduces falls and fractures
  • Reduces heart disease, cancer, diabetes and dementia

Ideas to get moving


The sleep-wake cycle is maintained by light and habit

  • Bright – daylight spectrum light (white) increases cortisone - we become alert, focused & energetic

– be in the sun in the morning esp in winter,

- avoid sunglasses in winter

  • Warm light – sunsets and firelight stimulates melatonin – which stimulates sleep,
      • only dull red/yellow light in the evening,
      • no bright screens for an hour before bed
  • Have a regular sleep & wake time
  • Wind down in the evening, music, meditation, relaxing activities, quiet conversation, stories & reading
About us

Dr Suzanne Joy Deed MBBS (Monsah University) MPM (UNSW) Dip Family Therapy Clinical Member AATF


Contact us
Dr Suzanne Deed
Walkerville Vic 3956
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